
考试 MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams


此考试的考生为管理 Microsoft Teams 的 Microsoft Teams 管理员,他们在 Microsoft 365 环境中促进高效且有效的协作和通信。
此考试的考生必须能够规划、部署、配置和保护 Teams 聊天、应用、频道、会议、音频/视频会议、直播活动、通话和 Microsoft Teams 认证设备。考生应具有将 Microsoft Teams 与其他工作负载(包括 SharePoint、OneDrive、Exchange、Microsoft 365 组、Power Platform 以及其他 Microsoft 应用、第三方应用和自定义应用)集成的经验。
Microsoft Teams 管理员还与其他功能协作,例如网络、电话服务、许可、安全、合规性、用户采用、应用开发和支持。
如果你通过此认证考试,可能有资格获得 ACE 大学学分。


计划和配置 Microsoft Teams 环境 (35—40%)
管理聊天、团队、频道和应用 (25—30%)
管理通话和会议 (15—20%)
监视 Microsoft Teams 环境并对其进行故障排除 (10—15%)


MS-700 开始管理 Microsoft Teams

MS-700 为 Microsoft Teams 部署准备环境

MS-700 在 Microsoft Teams 中管理聊天、团队、频道和应用

MS-700 在 Microsoft Teams 中管理会议和通话



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Microsoft 365 认证:消息管理员助理 MS-203


Microsoft 365 消息传送管理员计划、部署、配置和保护混合和云企业环境中的消息传送基础结构并对其进行故障排除。
消息传送管理员与其他工作负载管理员和 Microsoft 365 企业版管理员协作,以实现可满足企业业务需求的安全混合或纯云消息传送拓扑。
消息传送管理员应在身份验证类型、许可和与 Microsoft 365 应用程序的集成方面具备实际应用知识。



This list contains the skills measured on the exam associated with this certification. For more detailed information, visit the exam details page and download the study guide.
Manage organizational settings and resources
Plan and manage the mail transport architecture
Plan and implement a hybrid configuration and migration
Secure the messaging environment


MS-203 在 Microsoft 365 中管理传输管道

MS-203 管理和排查 Microsoft 365 中的邮件流问题

MS-203 管理 Microsoft 365 的消息安全性

MS-203 管理 Microsoft 365 中的合规性

MS-203 管理 Microsoft 365 消息传送环境



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Microsoft 365 认证:安全管理员助理 MS-500


Microsoft 365 安全管理员主动保护 Microsoft 365 企业和混合环境,实施和管理安全和合规性解决方案,响应威胁并实施数据治理。



This list contains the skills measured on the exam associated with this certification. For information about upcoming or recent changes, see the associated exam details page and download the exam skills outline.
Implement and manage identity and access
Implement and manage threat protection
Implement and manage information protection
Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365


MS-500 第 1 部分 – 实现和管理标识和访问

MS-500 第 2 部分 – 实现和管理威胁防护

MS-500 第 3 部分 – 实现和管理信息保护

MS-500 第 4 部分:管理 Microsoft 365 中的治理和合规性功能




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Microsoft 365 认证:新式桌面管理员助理 MD-100 + MD-101


要求的考试:MD-100  MD-101

MD-100: Windows 客户端

MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops


MD-100: Windows 客户端

此考试的考生是具备在域基础结构中安装、配置和维护 Microsoft Windows 客户端这类学科专业知识的 IT 专业人员。责任包括保护和维护 Windows 设备的可靠性以及存储在设备上的数据。此考试的考生在 Azure Active Directory环境中管理 Windows 客户端。此考试的考生可以与 Microsoft 365 企业管理员、Microsoft 365 安全管理员和 Windows Server 管理员协作,以实现满足组织业务需求的新式桌面和设备策略。


安装和配置 Windows (20-25%)
配置并管理连接和存储 (15-20%)
维护 Windows (30-35%)
保护设备和数据 (25-30%)


MD-100 安装 Windows 客户端

MD-100 配置授权和身份验证

MD-100 配置安装后设置和个性化

MD-100 在 Windows 客户端上配置网络

MD-100 在 Windows 客户端上配置存储




此考试的考生是具备在域基础结构中安装、配置和维护 Windows 客户端这类学科专业知识的 IT 专业人员。责任包括保护和维护 Windows 设备的可靠性以及存储在设备上的数据。此考试的考生在 Active Directory 环境中管理 Windows 客户端。此考试的考生可以与 Microsoft 365 企业管理员、Microsoft 365 安全管理员和 Windows Server 管理员协作,以实现满足组织业务需求的新式桌面和设备策略。


部署 Windows 客户端 (25-30%)
管理身份和访问 (10-15%)
管理合规性策略和配置文件 (10-15%)
管理、维护和保护设备 (25-30%)
管理应用 (10-15%)


MD-101 探索新式管理

MD-101 实施设备注册

MD-101 配置用户和设备配置文件

MD-101 浏览应用程序管理

MD-101 管理身份验证和合规性




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Microsoft 认证:Azure 网络工程师助理 AZ-700


参加 Azure 网络工程师助理认证的考生应具备规划、实施和维护 Azure 网络解决方案(包括混合网络、连接、路由、安全性和对 Azure 服务的专用访问)方面的学科知识专长。
担任此角色的职责包括建议、规划和实现 Azure 网络解决方案。担任此角色的专业人员负责管理性能、复原能力、规模和安全性的解决方案。他们使用 Azure 门户和其他方法部署网络解决方案,包括 PowerShell、Azure 命令行接口 (CLI) 和 Azure 资源管理器模板(ARM 模板)。
Azure 网络工程师与解决方案架构师、云管理员、安全工程师、应用程序开发人员和 DevOps 工程师合作,提供 Azure 解决方案。
除了在网络、混合连接和网络安全方面的丰富经验和知识外,此认证的考生还应具备 Azure 管理专家技能。



Design, implement, and manage hybrid networking
Design and implement core networking infrastructure
Design and implement routing
Secure and monitor networks
Design and implement Private access to Azure Services


设计和实现 Microsoft Azure 网络解决方案




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Microsoft 认证:Azure 安全工程师助理 AZ-500


参加 Azure 安全工程师助理认证的考生应具备实施 Azure 安全控制(作为端到端基础结构的一部分,保护云和混合环境中的标识、访问、数据、应用程序和网络)方面的学科知识专长。
Azure 安全工程师的职责包括管理安全状况,识别和补救漏洞,实施威胁建模,实施威胁保护以及对安全事件升级做出响应。
Azure 安全工程师通常作为更大团队的一员来规划和实施基于云的管理和安全。
此认证的考生应具有管理 Azure 和混合环境的实践经验。考生应具备基础设施即代码、安全操作过程、云功能和 Azure 服务方面的经验。










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Microsoft 认证:DevOps 工程师专家 AZ-104/AZ-204 + AZ-400


DevOps 工程师负责跨职能团队,其中包括开发人员、站点可靠性工程师和 Azure 管理员。
参加该认证的考生必须具备在 Azure 中管理和开发的经验,并且至少在其中一个领域具有很强的技能。他们应熟悉 Azure DevOps 和 GitHub。


1.Microsoft 认证:Azure 管理员助理 (AZ-104)
Azure 管理员实施、管理和监控组织的 Microsoft Azure 环境。

2.Microsoft 认证:Azure 开发人员助理 (AZ-204)

Azure 开发人员设计、构建、测试和维护云端应用程序和服务。



参加AZ104考试,可以获得AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator认证。
获得该认证的考生,可以实施、管理和监控组织的 Microsoft Azure 环境。
Azure 管理员通常在一个较大团队中致力于实现组织的云基础结构。
参加该考试的考生应至少具有六个月的Azure管理实践经验,并对核心 Azure 服务、Azure工作负荷、安全性和治理有深刻的了解。此外,该角色应具有使用 PowerShell、Azure CLI、Azure 门户和 Azure Resource Manager 模板的经验。


管理 Azure 标识和治理 (15 – 20%)
实现和管理存储 (15 – 20%)
部署和管理 Azure 计算资源 (20 – 25%)
配置和管理虚拟网络 (20 – 25%)
监视和维护 Azure 资源 (10 – 15%)


了解成为 Azure 管理员所需了解的Azure 基本概念。下面是 AZ-104 Azure 管理员系列中的学习路径:



3.在 Azure 中实现和管理存储

4.部署和管理 Azure 计算资源


6.监视和备份 Azure 资源




考生应精通 Azure SDK、数据存储选项、数据连接、API、应用程序身份验证和授权、计算和容器部署、调试、性能调整和监视。
考生应具有 1-2 年的专业开发经验和 Microsoft Azure 的经验。他们应该能够以 Azure 支持的语言进行编程,并且应该熟练使用 Azure CLI、Azure PowerShell 和其他工具。


1.开发 Azure 计算解决方案 (25-30%)
2.开发 Azure 存储(15-20%)
3.实现 Azure 安全性 (20-25%)
4.监控、故障排除并优化 Azure 解决方案(15-20%)
5.连接并使用 Azure 服务和第三方服务 (15-20%)


1.创建 Azure 应用服务 Web 应用

2.实现 Azure Functions

3.开发使用 Blob 存储的解决方案

4.开发使用 Azure Cosmos DB 的解决方案





DevOps 工程师必须具备在 Azure 中管理和开发的经验,并且至少在其中一个领域具有很强的技能。他们应熟悉 Azure DevOps 和 GitHub。


配置流程和通信 (10 – 15%)
设计和实现源代码管理 (15 – 20%)
设计和实现生成和发布管道 (40 – 45%)
制定安全性和合规性计划 (10 – 15%)
实现检测策略 (10 – 15%)


1.开启 DevOps 转换之旅

2.面向企业 DevOps 进行开发

使用 Azure Pipelines 和 GitHub Actions 实现 CI


5.使用 Azure Pipelines 实现安全的持续部署




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微软云Azure基础认证:AZ-900 AI-900 DP-900介绍



AZ-900  Microsoft Azure 基础知识
AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI基础知识
DP-900 Microsoft Azure 数据基础知识

AZ-900参加的认证考试为:Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals,代号为AZ900,是Azure的初级认证考试。

Azure Fundamentals 考试是一个证明云概念、Azure 服务、Azure 工作负荷、Azure 安全和隐私以及 Azure 定价和支持等方面知识的机会。考生应熟悉一般技术概念,包括联网、存储、计算、应用程序支持和应用程序开发的概念。
Azure Fundamentals 可用于准备其他基于 Azure 角色的或专业的认证,但这不是其中任何一项的先决条件。



参加此考试的考生应具有机器学习 (ML) 和人工智能 (AI) 概念以及相关的 Microsoft Azure 服务的基础知识。
这次考试是一次展示常见的 ML和 AI工作负荷以及如何在Azure上实施知识的机会。
Azure AI Fundamentals 可用于准备其他基于 Azure 角色的认证,例如 Azure Data Scientist Associate 或 Azure AI Engineer Associate,但这不是其中任何一个的先决条件。



DP-900的工作角色包括DBA,数据工程师和数据分析师。DP-900关于数据基础知识,也可用于准备其他基于Azure角色的认证,如Azure数据工程师助理[DP-200/DP-201],Azure数据科学家助理[DP-100]和Azure数据库管理员助理[DP-300] ,但这不是任何这些考试的先决条件。



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2022微软考试 AZ-700:设计和实现 Microsoft Azure 网络解决方案 真题每日一练

You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has recently purchased a subscription to Microsoft 365.
All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E3 license.
You are in the process of configuring Microsoft Teams.
You need to configure Microsoft Teams to ensure that users within your company can collaborate with users in a partner company. You plan to create guest accounts for users in the partner company.
Users with Guest accounts must not be able to invite other guests.
Only users in the partner company must be able to collaborate with your users by using Microsoft Teams.
Which of the following should you configure?
A. The external sharing settings in the SharePoint Admin Center.
B. The external collaboration settings in Azure Active Directory.
C. The Anonymous users can join a meeting setting the in the Teams Meeting Settings. 

D. The Global Meeting Policy in the Teams Admin Center.

You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has recently purchased a subscription to Microsoft 365.
All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E3 license.
You are in the process of configuring Microsoft Teams.
You enable Guest access in Microsoft Teams to allow users in your company to collaborate with external users.
A company security policy states that guest users should not be able to use their cameras during Microsoft Teams meetings. Company users should be able to use their cameras during Microsoft Teams meetings.
You need to configure Microsoft Teams to meet the security requirement.
Which of the following actions should you perform in the Microsoft Teams Adm in Center?
A. Configure the External access settings in Org-wide settings.
B. Configure the Teams settings in Org-wide settings.
C. Configure the Guest access settings in Org-wide settings.
D. Configure the Audio & Video settings in the default Meeting Policy

You work as a Microsoft 365 Administrator for your company. All users have Microsoft 365 licenses.
Users frequently collaborate by using private chats in Microsoft Teams.
You need to ensure that a single user is unable to permanently delete private chats. Which of the following should you configure?
A. The user’s Microsoft 365 license options in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
B. A meeting policy in Microsoft Teams.
C. A litigation hold on the user’s mailbox.
D. A Sensitivity Label in the Security & Compliance Admin Center.

You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has departments named Sales, Accounts, Research and Production.
The company has recently purchased a subscription to Microsoft 365.
All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E3 license.
You are in the process of configuring Microsoft Teams. You plan to create a team for each of the company departments.
All users have the Microsoft Teams desktop client installed.
You need to ensure that the Research team is labelled as Confidential when viewed in the Microsoft Teams client.
Which of the following actions should you perform?
A. Configure and publish a Sensitivity Label in the Security & Compliance admin center. 

B. Configure and publish a Retention Label in the Security & Compliance admin center. 

C. Configure a Teams policy in the Microsoft Teams admin center.
D. Configure the Meeting Settings in the Microsoft Teams ad min center.

You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has departments named Sales, Accounts, Research and Production.
The company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
You have configured a Team for each of the departments.
Currently, users in any department can use Microsoft Teams to communicate with users from any other department.
You need to configure the environment to ensure that users in the Research team can only communicate with other users in the Research team by using Microsoft Teams.
What should you do?
A. Configure a Teams Meeting policy.
B. Configure Information Barrier policies. 

C. Configure an App Protection policy. 

D. Configure Conference Bridges.

You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has several departments.
The company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
You have configured a Team for each of the departments.
You need to ensure that you are notified if a user creates a new Team by using the Create a Team option in the Microsoft Teams client.
Which of the following actions should you perform?
A. Configure the External Collaboration settings in the Azure Active Directory admin center.
B. Configure a supervision policy in the Security & Compliance admin center. 

C. Configure an eDiscovery Case in the Security & Compliance admin center. 

D. Configure an alert policy in the Security & Compliance admin center.

Your company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
All users use Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
A manager wants to be able to view the Microsoft Teams usage reports.
You need to assign the manager permission to view the usage reports. The solution
must use the principle of least privilege.
Which of the following actions should you perform?
A. Assign the Teams Communications Administrator role to the manager.

B. Assign the Security Administrator role to the manager.
C· Assign the Reports Reader role to the manager.
D. Assign the Compliance Manager role to the manager.

You work as a Systems Administrator for your company. The company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users in your company have a
Microsoft 365 E5 license.
All users in the company use Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
Users report that a team has been deleted in Microsoft Teams. The team was available
You need to restore the deleted team. Which tool should you use?
A. The Microsoft Teams admin center
B. The Microsoft Teams client app
C. The Azure Active Directory admin center 

D. The Exchange Online admin center

Your company has a subscription to Microsoft 365. All users in your company have a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
All users use Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
An Office 365 group contains 300 users including 50 guest accounts. A Microsoft Team has been created from the group.
You need to ensure that the group contains only members and guest accounts that require access to the group. Any members or guest accounts
that are either inactive or no longer require access to the group should be removed. The solution must ensure that group membership is validated every month.
Which of the following should you configure? 

A. A Conditional Access policy
B. A Supervision policy
C. An Access Review 

D. A Teams policy


2022微软考试 AZ-500:Microsoft Azure 安全技术 真题每日一练

Your company recently created an Azure subscription.
You have been tasked with making sure that a specified user is able to implement Azure
AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
Which of the following is the role you should assign to the user?
A. The Global administrator role.
B. The Security administrator role.
C. The Password administrator role. 

D. The Compliance administrator role.

Your company has an Active Directory forest with a single domain, named weylandindustries.com. They also have an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant with the same name.
You have been tasked with integrating Active Directory and the Azure AD tenant. You intend to deploy Azure AD Connect.
Your strategy for the integration must make sure that password policies and user logon limitations affect user accounts that are synced to the Azure AD tenant, and that the amount of necessary servers are reduced.
Solution: You recommend the use of pass-through authentication and seamless SSO with password hash synchronization.
Does the solution meet the goal?
A.Yes  B.No

Your company has an Active Directory forest with a single domain, named weylandindustries.com. They also have an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant with the same name.
You have been tasked with integrating Active Directory and the Azure AD tenant. You intend to deploy Azure AD Connect.
Your strategy for the integration must make sure that password policies and user logon limitations affect user accounts that are synced to the Azure AD tenant, and that the amount of necessary servers are reduced.
Solution: You recommend the use of federation with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).
Does the solution meet the goal?

A.Yes  B.No

Your company has an Active Directory forest with a single domain, named weylandindustries.com. They also have an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant with the same name.
After syncing all on-premises identities to Azure AD, you are informed that users with a givenName attribute starting with LAB should not be allowed to sync to Azure AD.
Which of the following actions should you take?

A. You should make use of the Synchronization Rules Editor to create an attribute- based filtering rule.
B. You should configure a DNAT rule on the Firewall.
C. You should configure a network traffic filtering rule on the Firewall.
D. You should make use of Active Directory Users and Computers to create an attribute-based filtering rule.

You have been tasked with applying conditional access policies for your companyג€TMs current Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
The process involves assessing the risk events and risk levels.
Which of the following is the risk level that should be configured for users that have leaked credentials?
A. None 

B. Low
C. Medium
D. High

You have been tasked with configuring an access review, which you plan to assigned to a new collection of reviews. You also have to make sure that the reviews can be reviewed by resource owners.
You start by creating an access review program and an access review control.
You now need to configure the Reviewers.
Which of the following should you set Reviewers to?
A. Selected users.

B. Members (Self). 

C. Group Owners

D. Anyone.

Your company recently created an Azure subscription. You have, subsequently, been tasked with making sure that you are able to secure Azure AD roles by making use of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
Which of the following actions should you take FIRST?
A.You should sign up Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Privileged Identity Management (PIM) for Azure AD roles.
B.You should consent to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
C. You should discover privileged roles. 

D. You should discover resources.。

You need to consider the underlined segment to establish whether it is accurate.
You have been tasked with creating a different subscription for each of your companyג€TMs divisions. However, the subscriptions will be linked to a single Azure ActiveDirectory (Azure AD) tenant.
You want to make sure that each subscription has identical role assignments.
You make use of Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM).
Select ג€No adjustment requiredג€ if the underlined segment is accurate. If the underlined segment is inaccurate, select the accurate option.
A. No adjustment required 

B. Azure Blueprints
C. Conditional access policies 

D. Azure DevOps

Your company has an Azure Container Registry.
You have been tasked with assigning a user a role that allows for the uploading of images to the Azure Container Registry. The role assigned should not require more privileges than necessary.
Which of the following is the role you should assign?
A. Owner
B. Contributor 

C. AcrPush 

D. AcrPull
